Benefits of Competency-based LMS

Jul 8, 2021

As the world and its economies change, the need for a skill-based workforce is on the rise. The World Bank’s employer skills surveys from 2016-2020 shows that 80-60% of the workforce among its served African countries lacks the capacity for basic operational functions. Skills are the building blocks of both corporate society and the educational systems – hence every piece of information students collect and every experience they encounter is required to hone their abilities for the real world.

What is Competency-based learning?
Competency-based learning (CBL) is a training system that identifies skills, attitudes and knowledge areas key for students to develop that competency, and then training to the point of mastery at the student’s own pace. This learning style has been a growing trend in education for digital age learners, popular for its link to popular arguments such as skill-based curriculum and knowledge-based curriculum, Instructor-led vs student-centred learning, Traditional vs online teaching method etc.

Benefit of Competency-based learning

CBL is about planning, implementing and analysing skills gained from a specific knowledge area to a point of mastery. Its nature of learning instruction is popular for developing independent and innovative thinkers as well as boosting university’s capacity in the following areas:

  1. Facilitating Real-World Application: Generally, skills give people the power to reach day to day goals and in today’s digitally savvy era. Competency-based online training and real-world application go hand-in-hand. When learners can match and apply information learnt, they are more likely to retain the key takeaways. It helps students assimilate new knowledge, and connect it to pre-existing concepts. For instance, creative reasoning skills through a simulated logistics management task with conflicting real-life scenarios can motivate students to see the relationship between two ideas, think through multiple alternatives for a process and, while building their composure and responses in solving real-life problems.
  2. Purpose-driven Learners: Competency-based instructing is structured around personalised experience of knowledge and is a purpose-driven educational approach. It is capable of enabling students to receive a clear objective along with a vibrant culture. It is a perfect mixture of opinions, values and routine to form a solid foundation. It promotes and develops the art of learning and development, thereby empowering the students to become successful in their chosen field.

ARGVLE LMS offers you the option for blended learning with flexible training options designed to meet skill mastery and effective learning. For more inquiry Contact Us

Inspired by eLearning Industry, and Teaching in a Digital Age – Second Edition. | Image credit:


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