Diversity & Inclusive e-learning: Does it matter?

Jun 23, 2021

In business today, companies with above-average diversity have higher innovation and financial returns when compared to their national industry counterparts (McKinsey & Company). Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) is a highly influential asset not only in the corporate world but in global cultures and education. It actively influences competitive measures for quality of education and student’s choice for higher education and further studies application. D&I learning in education focuses on students’ varied abilities, disabilities, interests, experiential backgrounds, and even language use. And implementing accommodations for these differences involves managing curricular content, pedagogy, accessibility and universal design, and their impacts on learners’ education (Pearson.com). D&I learning is visible and most efficient when supported by optimised technology such as e-learning tools.

Diversity Matters

Yes, diversity matters in education, much so that Pearson has it as a 21st-century prerequisite for students, that enables them to function in the workplace. Even more relevant in today’s learning system is a D&I EdTech classroom, and here is why:
  1. Accessibility of Learning for each unique category of students: One key challenge of teaching has been catering simultaneously for all the different learning needs. But teaching with D&I e-learning solutions not only ensures that access to education is not compromised by social class, age, learning disability, location or even occupational circumstances, it also affords teachers the liberties of focusing on what’s most important – i.e ensuring each student learns, reducing teaching workload and interruptions caused by repetitive responsibilities.
  2. Innovation & Creativity: The coming together of people of different backgrounds, experiences, culture and abilities is a key driver of practical innovation (Weforum). Examples include organisations like Google, Schools like Harvard, Countries like Singapore, and Cities such as New York. They are associated with the most innovative ideas in the world; the common feature these groups have is a wealth of diverse people. D&I schools are innovative environments reputable for high thinking calibre and quality interaction level, the best kind of environment for grooming competitive skills.
  3. Financial Returns: With more focus on instructional practices and leveraging on technology, D&I schools can meet up the demands of content adjustments to keep pace with constant change and training demands while providing learning support for diverse learners situated across learning styles or geographical boundaries. With D&I, higher institutions have the capacity to reach more categories of learners, creating more streams of revenue while optimising cost.
ARGVLE LMS provides teachers with the best EdTech experience managing multimodal learning and teaching style, supporting them towards digital mastery and aiding them with new learning techniques for each of their unique learners. Explore the opportunities to maximise your university’s diversity and inclusion, contact us to request a  free ARGVLE LMSdemo tailored to your LMS needs.


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