LMS Global Market Analysis

Sep 15, 2021

Yes! – You can get more from using LMS technology for your schools, organisations, and businesses. You may now be considering a third-party platform after reading our last news article.

Now, the challenge is to know the best option for your university that will help you achieve your five- or 10-year strategic plan. The only way is: first, through an analysis of the features offered by leading third-party LMS providers globally, and then, subscribing to the best brand the market now has.

Before analysing the market, make sure you considered the following:

  • What do I want to achieve with an LMS in terms of learning, teaching and sales?
  • What is the demographic profile of learners and employees? Think age, skills level, tech-savviness, location, and will learners require extensive training. This is very important!
  • What are my learning requirements? Grouped into functional, technical and cost requirements
  • What are the available options in my market based on my learning requirements?
  • Define criteria to evaluate the available options – Human factors, sector experience and Roadmap (Provider may be new, but they should demonstrate that they have and are committed to a robust roadmap). Make sure you go for a mobile-friendly platform since most students in Nigeria own a smartphone but not a laptop.
  • Request for a demo of your top three.
  • Choose an LMS
  • Implement and develop a Training Strategy

Since we understand the current challenges in Higher Education in Nigeria, we have reviewed LMSs available in Nigeria and globally. There are over 50 options available globally and less than ten (10) in Nigeria. From these options, we ranked the top two and compared them with our platform.

The table below provides a summary of how ARGVLE LMS compare against globally available platforms:

LMS Comparison

Would I recommend ARGVLE LMS? Absolutely! Not because it is our solution but because the vision behind it is a strong one. It has been designed for:

  • Students to ensure learning is engaging, fun and collaborative.
  • Lecturers to easily create course materials using either their laptops or smartphones.
  • Universities in Nigeria to deliver quality education while reducing the cost of education and increasing revenue.
  • Societal needs – Nigeria, today, needs thinkers who can execute world-class ideas. There is a need to transition to competency-based learning where students can track and improve their skills in areas of strength in their course of study and utilise this in employment or entrepreneurship.

Just a note of advice – choosing an LMS has long-term implications. It is usually difficult and costly to migrate to a new system if you choose a poor product.

Don’t leave your experience to the daunting chance of trial and error or even exhausting your learners, teachers and resources by spending cheaply or getting confused through the myriad choices of LMS available these days.

Contact us for a tailored consultation and value-packed subscription to your very own ARGVLE account.

Image credit: Call centre helper


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