Solving your e-learning adaptability issues with ARGVLE LMS

Aug 18, 2022

From research and discussions with universities in Nigeria, most are planning to utilise LMS for less than 40% of teaching and the rest for face-to-face (f2f). Due to poor product choices such as the use of Moodle, most Universities are combating insufficient training time and learners not engaging with learning material within the periods set aside for a course curriculum or training programme. An essential factor for high-quality modern education, be it hybrid, online, or learning with the support of technology, is equivalency.

Equivalency means that the student will have the same experience learning online as they would with the immersive possibilities of a face-to-face (f2f). What it means is that all essential learning intricacies, requirements and experiences, such as complex topics that require on-site or in-person teaching techniques to transfer skills, are afforded through the capacity of current technology and experience tools.

With over 30 ARGVLE LMS teaching and learning tools, lecturers can engage students beyond the classrooms with in-built chat, in-built video conferencing, email messaging and more. These example features help lecturers immerse learning into the daily routines learners depend on while ensuring the structure and discipline required in gaining skills from their training.

How do I create a programme or course on ARGVLE LMS?
Whether you want to create a degree programme or individual courses that makeup programmes, you can do so easily on xs with our Content creation feature. A course can start with self-paced (asynchronous) learning resources such as course outlines, micro-learning videos, or pre-recorded interactive contents, and transition to ‘live’ classroom session (synchronous) learning, curating and constructing learning content with students through learning aids, chatroom conversations, task groups, discussion forums e.t.c. Then to conclude the learning topic, you can set students to progressively continue learning by creating their own content through collaborative content spaces such as reflective discussion boards, collaborative research and assessments on task or interest groups.

A cross-section of interactive learning resources hosted on ARGVLE LMS

How does this benefit your University?

  • Revenue Stream: Interactive Course content be it, videos, podcasts, or recorded virtual classes help the university actively organise learning materials into learning bits or packages that can be readily bought and utilised by the lifelong learning market – adult learners, working learners or self- development learners. With this, your university gets easy publicity and credibility on your capacity to deliver relevant skills for the corporate market. It also translates to a source of revenue stream for your University.
  • Employable Skills: ARGVLE LMS content experience is a rich skill-oriented tool, developed with employability-based functionality. What this means is that students and lecturers utilising the ARGVLE LMS technology become conversant with up-to-date productivity skills and can function efficiently in any area of business or employment they choose after their programmes.
  • Immersive Learning: ARGVLE’s robust LMS technology, user experience and digital learning support enable your lecturers to explore practical learning environments for their students. So with the aid of media resources, lecturers can create engaging content and activities for students learning needs both within and outside classroom periods. The Content feature also improves the lecturer’s productivity giving more time for further learning, research and consultancy. That is because live classroom sessions are no longer focused on distributing learning resources but rather on more practical and immersive learning aspects like facilitating discussions that analyses experiences and shares tested hands-on skills.
Image of learning videos, presentations and course outlines creation process on ARGVLE LMS

Are you interested in transiting your university into the global community of educators and learning instructors innovating, defining and redefining the hows, what, and abilities of students’ learning?

Let ARGVLE LMS support your university in attaining this vision; our goal is to work with universities, NGOs and Government or learning agencies focused on sponsoring technology to enhance programs that facilitate students’ full potential in learning.

For a software demonstration and technical proposal on ARGVLE LMS, kindly contact us

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