Technology vs Educators

Mar 3, 2021

“Technology does not replace Teachers …” Dr. Ray Clifford.

This quote is a strange point to begin exploring the value of the Learning Management System (LMS) but ironically it actually is perfect because it starts from the most important place, which is the inception of computer-assisted technology in education. Today there exist a lot of myths and misconceptions about the LMSs which has negatively affected its evaluation, adoption, and value it has for universities, as well as organisations, implementing them across Africa, especially Nigeria.

To begin, let’s make a quick history reference. The Learning Management System (LMS), also referred to as Course Management System (CMS) or Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), has been present for decades of technological Innovation, dating way back to the first computer-assisted instruction system, the 1960’s PLATO (Rhode et al, 2017); supporting access and basic instructions. Now in this era of digital skills and Internet of Things (IoT), most LMSs have evolved to a suite of tools, enabling the possibilities of an uninterrupted delivery of instructional content, interaction and collaboration, tracking and reporting of students’/learners’ participation.

As it was from the inception of computers assisting instruction till this era of smart software and AI technology-assisted instructions, the purpose of technology in the learning system remains the powerful aid tool; enhancing the learning process and extending learning possibilities through;

  • Making it easy to combine proprietary, open, district and teacher developed content.
  • Connecting students, parents, and teachers anywhere on any device.
  • Enabling Universities with commercial capacities and additional revenue streams.
  • Directing collaborative training between industries and the Universities.
  • The convenience and power of track personal learning plans.
  • Managing assignments and dynamic grouping.
  • Combining formative assessment in a standards-based grade book.
  • Supporting and development of standards-aligned projects.
  • Incorporating social, collaborative, productivity, and presentation tools.
  • Integrating with other systems provides a single sign-on (SSO) for third-party apps.

It is no news that LMS is an integral part of learning in our society, and its features and capabilities continuously grow; though as a result of the frequent changes in technology; but primarily to adapt and meet the needs of schools, students, teachers and families in managing education and learning experience. Amidst these unavoidable needs, there are obstacles in the education environment that have a high impact on the educators capacity to support learning in this generation.

Take for example the factor of engagement in a learning environment, many Educators are enthusiasts for the high engagement of technology-aided training for their learners, and they are very interested in implementing courses with stimulating training. However, putting the idea into practice can be a challenge, there are a lot of things to consider and know-how to embark on to make an idea work.

Also, in the area of employability requirements for students, there are IT and application of IT to technical skill-sets which students need to master to function with society and be employable. The dilemma in this training environment is that most educators are worried they would be unable to teach with these skills or even manage the various thoughts and articulation needs of students who presently are focused on these skills; being that they as well lack knowledge related to these technologies and its skillset. But the LMS technology is a responsive tool capable of accommodating these gaps of reality. Also, meeting with a good LMS consultant can place you with the right solution and management practice for blending the realities of the learning environment and the learning goals of your Institution.

Why not get practical with your LMS on the Technology vs Educators opinion poll, share your experiences faced with the EdTech systems currently at your institution and stand a chance to win a prize in just 5 mins, to proceed click the button below.


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